Tony’s Bikes & Sports Bike Service & Repairs
We do not work on or assemble all brands of bikes & E-bikes due to varying levels of quality, known safety issues with many brands sold online, and limited support & availability of parts used by brands sold online.
If we decline work it’s for these reasons or other concerns.
We are a full-service shop with certified
mechanics in all genres of cycling.
We are a full-service bike shop offering comprehensive care and service packages on a broad range of bikes. Repairs are done on a first-come-first-serve basis. Simple repairs are often done the same day. Tune-ups are scheduled at drop off with an estimate and provided return date.
Repairs left after 30 days are subject to storage fees.
- Tune Ups
- Bike Builds
- Frame Builds
- Wheel Building
- Adjustments
- Upgrades & Projects
- Fitting
- Free Quotes
- Rush Service Available
- Wheel Truing & Dishing
- Box bike for shipping
- Safety Check
- Brake Bleeding
- Drivetrain Clean & Scrub
- Drivetrain Overhaul
- Tubeless conversions
and more!
If you don’t see the service you need offered call us!
On The Spot Repairs
No one likes downtime, Tony’s seasoned staff is made
up of veteran cyclists that will keep you riding!
- Flat Tires
- Brake & Gear Adjustments
- Part Swapping & Installs
- and more!